Does Your Social Media Presence Drive Change?

When’s the last time you went to a restaurant, social event, park (or anywhere for that matter) and didn’t see people on their phones?

Odds are, you probably can’t remember.

Scrolling through social media, checking emails, reading articles online, and sharing content via texts has become the new normal in our tech-saturated world. 

Literally, everyone is doing it.

We are inherently social beings, looking for connections with people who share our same interests and passions. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin make this possible for both friends and strangers we’ve never met.

Here’s what you need to know:

If you’re not meeting people where they’re at virtually and utilizing these platforms in your marketing strategy, you’re completely missing the boat–as well as the water.

So what’s your next step in seeing your nonprofit thrive, recruiting more volunteers and donors, and sharing your mission on a broader scale?


Harness the power of social media’s influence

In the past, options for engaging supporters were limited. Your choices were twofold: either ask them to donate money or donate time.

But on the web, possibilities are endless. People can now engage through sharing content, blog posts, updating their status, organizing a fundraising event, or sharing videos. And that’s only a slice of the virtual pie!

Plus, the emergence of the Millenials and Gen Z populations who are passionate about social issues completely fuel the surge of interest in social change work. 

The platforms are ripe for the posting.

Nonprofit networks that utilize their social media tool set encourage two-way conversations and accomplish so much more than a stand-alone organization.

Near the end of 2020, Forbes made a prediction on which tech trends would impact the nonprofit sector in the following months and years.

Their magic 8 ball was spot on–because here we are living the reality of those projections a mere 24 months later.

Here’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of social media:

Top 4 benefits of utilizing social media

1. Promotes awareness

You created your nonprofit in hopes of changing your community for the better. But you need donors, supporters, and volunteers to make that happen.

So what’s the key to motivating people to want to get involved with your organization?

Build awareness around the issues your nonprofit tackles.

After all, if people don’t see a need for change, they won’t change.

The first strategic step in utilizing your social media impact is educating your audience and building advocates for your cause. Share your mission, message, and motivation on a local and global level.

Connect with people looking for support–and the people looking to give it.

Build a network of new followers to share your mission and keep people in the loop regarding important issues within your community, as well as your initiatives and campaigns to address them.

2. Grows your community

Have you ever heard of the 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon? The logic is simple–Odds are you don’t know him personally, but in theory, you’re only 6 people away from someone who does.

Growing your community works the same way.

Social media isn’t just a platform for promoting your mission or wooing new donors and volunteers. When used strategically, it’s actually a ripe field for recruiting mentors, speakers, advocates, contractors, and businesses.

In fact, social media is the best marketing associate you could ever invest in. 

As you’re sleeping, it’s networking for you. When you’re on vacation or celebrating holidays, it’s grinding away building and informing your audience about issues they care about. Social media works 24/7 to grow your channels, groups, and networks where people can connect, engage, and share resources.

3. Incites action

The best way to get people invested in your nonprofit’s work is to get them excited about your cause. 

Because ultimately…Excited people excite people, and excited people take action.

Rally people behind your mission and give them concrete actions they can take to champion your cause. Promote campaigns, volunteerism, fundraisers, community events, galas, and local giving days. Encourage followers to get informed on societal issues so they can make an impact in their immediate circles. 

Think of ways you can spur your audience to take action, make an impact, and support your organization.

4. Broadcasts your impact

Don’t just tell people what your nonprofit can accomplish…show them.

Generate momentum as you celebrate victories and share your success stories, both the big ones and the little ones.

Let your supporters see how their contributions made those victories possible. Help them see themselves as the hero.

Be the magnet for what you want to receive–share your achievements, appreciation, and zeal, and get ready to attract more supporters on the other side.

Having grown through the virtual boom the pandemic set in motion two years ago, Serve Denton has seen firsthand how digital marketing and strategic use of technology are mission-critical.

But here’s what we’ve also noticed: leveraging the power of social media isn’t always easy or inherent for nonprofits.

But knowing the benefits far outweigh the challenges, we’ve created a list of easy-to-use guideposts to help you level up your digital marketing strategy.

1. Dust off the ole’ website

Your website is your prospective volunteers, donors, partners, and supporters’ first impression of your organization. If your website is outdated, difficult to navigate, or isn’t clear about your mission, you can expect your nonprofit to be viewed as outdated, scattered, and unfocused.

Avoid that sinkhole.

Update your website often and provide helpful content regarding your purpose, your cause, and how your programs are achieving your mission. 

2. Utilize blogs

Google is the #1 search engine people use to answer their questions online–which means…

Blogging is not just a good idea for nonprofits, it’s an absolute must-have.

Blogging is one of the most effective ways to spread awareness, inform the public, and provide valuable solutions to critical issues your nonprofit faces. Demonstrate your expertise and knowledge of your organization’s mission, and offer value to readers. 

Post regularly, and create a variety of content. From success stories to current news, to social issues, the ideas are endless…the internet is literally your oyster.

3. Keep up with social media trends

If Google is the #1 choice of internet inquiries, do you know which platform comes in second?


(It gets a billion separate users every month!)

So in addition to utilizing platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, get your brain churning on how you can utilize trending platforms like Youtube, TikTok, and even SnapChat.

Your goal is to meet your audience where they’re at. Make sure you’re at the right watering hole.

4. Invest in good copy

If making your copy and content stand out isn’t your #1 priority, it needs to be.

There are half a million internet users visiting over 1.17 billion websites every day. 

That means people literally spend hours scrolling through content becoming even more desensitized to the quality of what they’re reading.

So if you’re not producing creative, helpful, and valuable content that stands out among the sea of scrolling screens, you’re losing to the competition.

But if writing isn't your forte, don’t worry.

Hiring contracted copywriters to produce top-notch copy that gives you an online advantage is one of the best investments you can make as a nonprofit. Websites, blogs, social media content, merchandise, sales copy, emails, and fundraisers are all just a fraction of what good copywriters can do.

5. Network your online presence

When you sync your website, blog, and social media into an online network, it works like a virtual thread that keeps all your valuable content streamlined to a bigger virtual conversation. 

Take advantage of backlinks, opt-ins, and directories so viewers can easily navigate information and explore recommendations.

Utilize videos and images to appeal to your readers’ emotions, and level up your emotional reciprocity. Videos are the new pictures–In this fast-paced world, they can be easily viewed, and convey meaningful information quickly and effectively.

Need help turning your social media presence into a driving force?

Serve Denton’s Shared Services can help.

At times, nonprofits don’t inherently know how to harness the power of the ever-evolving social media realm…

Which is why we’re here.

Shared Services offers specific marketing and media help at an affordable rate and can help you utilize your social media presence to build networks, promote your mission, and ultimately grow your nonprofit.

The platforms are ripe for the posting…what are you waiting for?

Get started with Shared Services today


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